Pomeranian Digital Library is created by the Pomeranian academic and culture institutions. The Library offers access to valuable historical documents, manuscripts, serials, old printed books and ephemeras relating to all territory of Pomerania. |
National Digital Library Polona consists of subjects collections such as the most valuable literature and academic publications - historical documents, early printed books, manuscripts, journals, ephemeras, prints, maps, drawings. The collections is priceless value for the history of Polish cultural heritage as a part of Treasures of the National Library. |
Digital Libraries Federation enables access to resources available in Polish digital libraries and repositories. |
Europeana presents millions of digital items provided by Europe's libraries, museums, galleries and other cultural and academic organizations. Polish digital libraries content is also available via Europeana. |

Virtual Library Eastern Europe enables access to specialized academic information on history, language, literature, politics, information science and culture of East, Central East and South East European countries and historical regions. |
DART – Europe E- these Portal offers global access to European research theses. |