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We invite you to test Taylor & Francis eBooks. It is a single destination platform with eBooks in science, technology, engineering, medical, humanities and social science.
Test access will last until April 20, 2025.
The University of Gdańsk e-resources has been enriched with a new platform - Digital Theatre+, which provides access to an extensive collection of world-class theatrical performances, documentaries, interviews and educational materials.
Dear first-year students!
Library Training 2024/2025 has been launched on the Education Portal (EP) and will be available to you until June 30, 2025, but do not delay until the last minute. Logging in to the EP is done through the CAS system - Central Logging Point, which is the same as for the e-University.
Dear readers, we would like to inform you that books ordered from the Main Library can now be picked up at the book locker. To open the box, please use the card number provided in the e-mail informing you about collecting the books and the PIN number you set yourself on the reader's account in the Library card ⇒ Personal detalis ⇒ Update login credentials ⇒ Pincode.
UG Library
ul. Wita Stwosza 53
80-308 Gdańsk
tel. 58 523 32 10, 58 523 32 11
fax 58 523 32 09